From Kittens to Cobras: A Veterinary Blog

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The Importance of Vaccinating Your Cat: Protecting Your Feline Friend

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Your cat is more than just a pet — they’re a member of your family. That’s why it’s important to ensure their safety and health by taking the necessary precautions, including vaccinating them regularly. While vaccinations may not be the most enjoyable experience for your feline friend, it’s crucial to their well-being and longevity. This blog post will dive into the importance of vaccinating your cat and why pet owners must stay up-to-date on their vaccinations. Read More»

What To Know About Cat Vaccinations

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There are several vaccinations that are commonly recommended for cats. The specific vaccinations that your cat needs may vary depending on factors such as age, lifestyle, and geographic location. Here are some of the most recommended vaccinations for cats. Recommended Cat Vaccinations Rabies - This is a serious and fatal viral disease that can be transmitted to humans. Vaccination is required by law in many jurisdictions. Cats are one of the animals that can contract and transmit rabies, a viral disease that affects the central nervous system. Read More»