From Kittens to Cobras: A Veterinary Blog

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Warning Signs: When to Seek Veterinary Care for Your Cat

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Cats, being the independent and often aloof creatures they are, can make it a challenge to identify when something’s amiss. But as a pet parent, it’s crucial to know the warning signs that might indicate your feline friend needs veterinary attention. Unusual Eating or Drinking Habits A change in your cat’s eating or drinking habits is often an early sign that something’s not quite right. If your cat’s suddenly showing little interest in food or water or seems excessively thirsty or hungry, it’s time to consult a vet. Read More»

The Importance of Vaccinating Your Cat: Protecting Your Feline Friend

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Your cat is more than just a pet — they’re a member of your family. That’s why it’s important to ensure their safety and health by taking the necessary precautions, including vaccinating them regularly. While vaccinations may not be the most enjoyable experience for your feline friend, it’s crucial to their well-being and longevity. This blog post will dive into the importance of vaccinating your cat and why pet owners must stay up-to-date on their vaccinations. Read More»

What To Know About Cat Vaccinations

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There are several vaccinations that are commonly recommended for cats. The specific vaccinations that your cat needs may vary depending on factors such as age, lifestyle, and geographic location. Here are some of the most recommended vaccinations for cats. Recommended Cat Vaccinations Rabies - This is a serious and fatal viral disease that can be transmitted to humans. Vaccination is required by law in many jurisdictions. Cats are one of the animals that can contract and transmit rabies, a viral disease that affects the central nervous system. Read More»

Determining If You Have An Obese Pet And Why It's Important To Know

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You may not even know you have an obese pet, or you may think there’s a justification for your pet’s size, such as age. Unfortunately, pet obesity can lead to serious health complications for your pet. Here’s what you should know about figuring out if you have an obese cat, dog, or other type of animal. Why It’s Important to Know If You Have an Obese Pet Obesity in pets, especially dogs and cats, can lead to a laundry list of problems. Read More»

Heart Disease In Dogs: Frequently Asked Questions

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As a loving parent of an amazing dog, you want to make sure that your furry family member is as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, while you are feeding your dog the proper diet, taking your dog for long walks, and visiting the veterinarian regularly, there is a silent killer that might be impacting your pup: heart disease. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions you might have about canine heart disease. Read More»

When Is It Time To Go To A Pet Hospital?

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Medical distress in pets can be hard to detect. Even in species that have been long domesticated, many animals instinctively suppress expressions of distress for fear of attracting predators. Consequently, it can be tough for you to figure out when it’s time to take them to a pet hospital. Pay attention to these 5 possible signs of issues so you can get a head start on them. Weight Loss Animals generally like to eat, and they should also keep on weight. Read More»

Steps To Take If Your Dog Is Having A Seizure

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Your otherwise happy, playful dog has recently had a seizure and you are terrified of witnessing a seizure again in the future. There are several causes of seizures in dogs, including epilepsy, low blood sugar, poisoning, and diabetes, and recognizing the signs of a seizure and how to help is the best way to keep your dog safe. Here are a few things you need to do immediately if your dog is having a seizure. Read More»

Dealing With The Three Commonly Overlooked Pet Health Issues

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There are countless reasons why your dog could fall ill. Taking excellent care of them by feeding them a balanced diet and taking them for regular visits to the veterinarian are some measures that decrease the risk of getting diseases. In addition to these measures, always watch your pet closely for any signs of sickness. Here are three commonly overlooked conditions that affect your dogs and how taking care of them will improve their length and quality of life. Read More»

Six Things That Pet Hospital Staff Will Appreciate When You Take Your Pet In For A Visit

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Dealing with all the animals coming in to your neighborhood pet hospital can be demanding for staff members. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your pet hospital visit goes smoothly for not only you and your pet but also the pet hospital staff. The following are six things you can do that pet hospital staff will appreciate during your visit. Discussing all the veterinary health issues you need to have addressed in advance Read More»

Potential Reasons For Your Dog's Balance Issues

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When you’re used to your dog looking stable when it stands and walks, it can be alarming when the animal appears to be suffering from balance issues. A dog that loses its balance may topple over and have trouble getting back to its feet. Should your dog experience this issue, it’s important to stay calm and contact your local veterinarian. They’ll ask you some specific questions about your dog’s appearance and behavior over the phone so that you can take the appropriate next step. Read More»