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Dealing With The Three Commonly Overlooked Pet Health Issues

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There are countless reasons why your dog could fall ill. Taking excellent care of them by feeding them a balanced diet and taking them for regular visits to the veterinarian are some measures that decrease the risk of getting diseases. In addition to these measures, always watch your pet closely for any signs of sickness. Here are three commonly overlooked conditions that affect your dogs and how taking care of them will improve their length and quality of life.

Skin Problems

Many dogs suffer coat problems often. Itching and scratching are signs that your pet has a developing skin problem. If you ignore it, the condition advances, causing redness, flakiness, and scales. You could also notice your dog has started losing patches of hair. It is advisable to see a vet as soon as the earliest problems appear. Your animal might have developed allergies to certain foods, which is a simple issue to fix. However, they could also have a parasite infection, skin disease, and other illnesses. Only proper medical tests will help determine the best treatment to restore its skin to its healthy state.

Dental Problems

Most people overlook their pet's dental health care. It leads to most dogs having some form of dental health problems by the time they are three. Taking care of your canine's teeth is crucial because failure leads to the infection and loosening of the ligament that supports the teeth. Your dog might have to endure painful chewing and eventual tooth loss. You can avoid such eventualities by taking your pet to the vet for regular dental examinations. They will offer treatments and recommendations to prevent further tooth damage.

Weight Problems

Interestingly, the trend in obesity that affects people is also slowly getting transferred to the animals. Many dogs struggle with weight more than they did before. The problem could be because people have stopped going outdoors, which means their pets also spend much time indoors. Carrying excessive weight increases the likelihood of your pet getting diabetes, arthritis, and insulin resistance. You can reverse this by ensuring that you let the dog have the recommended amount of outdoor play. Also, watch what they eat and avoid overfeeding them.

The best way to care for your dog is to maintain contact with a trusted and reliable vet. They will constantly watch over your pet and help resolve any developing health issues for a happy and healthy animal. Contact a local veterinarian for more information. 
