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3 Facts Pet Owners Should Know About Pet Grooming Services

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Pet grooming services are a great timesaver for busy pet owners. A pet groomer can wash your dog, clean their ears, and even trim their fur. Here are three facts pet owners should know when they start using pet grooming services:

1. Your groomer can help you get rid of fleas.

Fleas are a problem no pet owner wants to encounter. However, it's easy for a dog to get fleas if they aren't on flea prevention medication. Fleas may hop onto your pet at any time while they're outside. If your dog has fleas, a pet groomer can help you get rid of them. Your pet groomer will use a medicated shampoo to kill the fleas and soothe your pet's irritated skin. After their bath, your pet will be carefully brushed with a flea comb to remove any lingering fleas. Before taking your pet home from the groomer, you should make sure to treat your home for fleas, since any fleas living there can reinfect your dog.

2. You still need to brush your dog.

Your pet groomer will wash, dry, and brush your dog's fur, in addition to any trimming services you might request. However, you still need to brush your dog at home. Most people bring their dog to the pet groomer once or twice a month. In between grooming sessions, pet fur has the opportunity to get tangled, especially if your pet has long fur. Tangled fur can become matted, which can be uncomfortable or even painful for dogs. Maintain your dog's fur by brushing it between professional grooming sessions.

3. Even anxious dogs can be groomed.

When you take your dog to be groomed, the grooming service's first priority is the safety of your dog and their staff.  If your dog is fearful around other people, you may be concerned that they are not a good candidate for dog grooming. Fortunately, pet groomers are experienced when it comes to dealing with dogs of many different temperaments. Many anxious dogs calm down during the grooming process. Even if your dog is aggressive, they can still be groomed using sedation techniques. Tell your pet groomer about any behavioral challenges your dog exhibits, and they will come up with a plan to work around the needs of your dog.

Pet grooming can benefit both dogs and their owners. Your dog will be happy when they're flea-free with no tangles in their fur. You can rest assured that your dog is in good hands when you take them to a professional groomer. For more information, consult with clinics like Elizabethton Veterinary Clinic.
