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Health Tips To Remember For Your Dog This Spring

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The weather is beginning to break, and your dog wants to go outside more often to roll around in the grass or just move around the yard. While that's generally fine, the return of spring can bring back situations that could impact your dog's health if you are not careful. Here are some tips to help ensure that your dog makes it through the season with no serious issues.

Dogs Have Allergies Too

Spring is often referred to as allergy season because of all of the flowers putting pollen in the air. While you are probably watching your exposure to certain flowers or plants for this reason, keep in mind that your dog can have allergies too. Certain dogs may be allergic to ragweed or other plants and flowers that start sprouting up in the spring. Dogs that roll around in grass containing something they are allergic to may suffer an allergic reaction on their skin. Keep an eye on your dog in general and specifically keep them away from trouble spots in your yard if you know that they have run into allergy problems in the past.

Clean Up After Yourself After You Are Done Spring Cleaning

Spring is a time when many homeowners start tidying up around the house and that could include using a variety of different household cleaning products to help get the job done. With that said, make sure you are putting a lid on any cleaners you keep in view of your dog. Make sure all bottle lids are screwed on tight or have childproof locks, and ideally, keep these cleaning solutions on a high shelf where the dog won't be able to find them.

Watch Out for Fleas and Other Critters

Your dog isn't the only one excited to see warmer weather return. Spring can also revive the local flea population, as well as a variety of other insects and critters. If your dog is not yet taking a pill or medication designed to keep fleas away, you might want to talk to a vet at your local animal hospital. Keep a close eye on your dog's coat, especially if they will be rolling around outside. Head to the local veterinarian for treatment at the first sign of trouble.

Spring sees the return of warm weather and your dog will likely enjoy heading out in the yard again. But keep an eye on where your dog goes so you can respond quickly if needed. 
